Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
048 jsAir - JavaScript and the Web Platform with Brendan Eich
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
JavaScript has changed the world. It has changed my life. This will be the last episode of JavaScript Air. Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and the guest on our first show, will join us to wrap up the show. Please join us for our grand finale.
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- React.js Program - Master the React.js Ecosystem
- Hired.com - We Bring Job Offers To You
- Too many to keep track of... If you want to contribute that, that’d be awesome! Here’s the file
- Start a podcast! Here are some resources: How to start a podcast like JavaScript Air, How to do a react30 episode, podcastify react30 video
- The sponsors they’re awesome
- The guests
- The panelists
- The contributors
- The audience
- The people who donated to the show.
- My Tech Chats YouTube Playlist (What’s a tech chat?)
- My Podcast List
- My AMA
- kentcdodds.com/links
- slice-js my closed source thing that I hope to open source soon. Giving a talk soon.
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Yarn bills itself as fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. It was recently released as a collaborative effort with developers from Facebook, Google, and Tilde. In this bonus show, we're going to talk about what this means for the JavaScript community.
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- React.js Program - Master the React.js Ecosystem
- Hired.com - We Bring Job Offers To You
- create-react-app + jest + react-storybook + netlify
- slice-js my closed source thing that I hope to open source soon. Giving a talk soon.
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
046 jsAir - React Native with Bonnie Eisenman, Ken Wheeler, and Tyler McGinnis
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
React Native with Bonnie Eisenman, Ken Wheeler, and Tyler McGinnis
JavaScript is taking the software world by storm, and we're going to talk about yet another enabling technology: React Native.
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- React.js Program - Master the React.js Ecosystem
- Hired.com - We Bring Job Offers To You
./node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.sh start --resetCache
watchman watch-del-all
- Try Objective C
- React Native Animation Book
- Upgrade often
- Botwiki, an open catalog / community "of friendly, useful, artistic online bots, and tools and tutorials that can help you make them."
Saturday Oct 22, 2016
Saturday Oct 22, 2016
We'll be live and on site at Connect.tech in Atlanta Georgia. See you there!
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- React.js Program - Master the React.js Ecosystem
- Hired.com - We Bring Job Offers To You
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
044 jsAir - Async Patterns in JavaScript with Valeri Karpov and Peter Lyons
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
Wednesday Oct 12, 2016
One of the distinctive aspects of JavaScript is how it deals with asynchronous operations (like reading a file or making a request to a database or server). We're going to talk about the different patterns you can follow with async in JavaScript
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
- Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
- Hired.com - We Bring Job Offers To You
- Seek out mentors and peers
- Cultivate self-awareness for when your tools are not visual enough or not fast enough. Write custom tools/scripts early and often.
- RegEx 101
- Julia Evans' blog (@b0rk on twitter
- Bouldering (rock climbing)
- The 80/20 Guide to ES2015 Generators, http://es2015generators.com/
- Callback Hell is a Myth
- Think things through for yourself, don’t just take somebody’s word for it because they’re an "expert"
- Write about your learnings, whether on a blog or to your team, best way to learn is to teach someone else
- TC-39 finished proposals (async/await is included in ES2017)
- Do what you think is right and what you want to do.
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
043 jsAir - (Rerun) The past, present, and future of JavaScript with Brendan Eich
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
Wednesday Oct 05, 2016
The original show for this week was canceled. So this is a rerun of our very first show: Kicking off JavaScript Air with our first guest Brendan Eich(original creator of JavaScript) to talk about the past, present, and future of JavaScript.
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
- Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
- Hired.com - We Bring Job Offers To You
- Try elm and wait for the video fromthis
- Learn JavaScript with MDN
- plop
- Christmas Lights
- Forward Web Summit
- Find people smarter than you and copy what they do.
- Dead code elimination (in Webpack)
- Dan Abramov'sRedux videoson egghead.io
- Ancillary Justice
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
042 jsAir - Web Components with Rob Dodson, Tushar Mathur, and Monica Dinculescu
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Web Components with Rob Dodson, Tushar Mathur, and Monica Dinculescu
There's been quite a bit of talk about the Web Components spec lately. As with anything new, there's been a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about Web Components. We're going to chat about some of their use cases, strengths, and weaknesses to give us all a better idea of this tech.
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
- Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
- Hired.com - We Bring Job Offers To You
- Emoji-cli is an emoji-searcher-by-keyword as a cli
- Electron!
- punchesbears is an amazing twitter where a dude posts hilarious videos of various videogames he is making (dancing bears! Throw macbooks at hipsters! Drunk navigating of a 7-11 for a burrito!)
- Server Components (https://pimterry.github.io/server-components/)
- Using React app techniques at the web component level with Redux, virtual-dom, and JSX
- Dig up twitter thread. It’s a total centithread but here’s a decent jumping in point (https://twitter.com/dan_abramov/status/770645608415784960)
- The gas arrow in your rental car dashboard tells you which side the gas tank is on
- Slappy Cakes (http://www.slappycakes.com/)
- Elon Musk biography by Ashlee Vance (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KVI76ZS/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1)
- The Corgi sticker from cotton bureau (https://cottonbureau.com/)
- Delete your Facebook (app)
- Vote
- If you know Elon Musk, I’d like an intro because I want him on the show I’m. Not. Joking.
- slice-js so far... (a gist giving a quick demo
- React.js 50,000 stars (and some awesome shirts for the whole family!)
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
041 jsAir - Test all the things with Cypress with Brian Mann and Gleb Bahmutov
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Cypress.io is an automated testing tool that runs in the context of the browser and has some really solid features that make unit, integration, and even end to end testing much easier!
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
- Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
- React.js Program - Master the React.js Ecosystem
- Sentry - Cross-platform crash-reporting
- Recent GitHub changes: Projects Tab is awesome!
- Electron
- Crash reporting (like TrackJs / Sentry / Raygun) are really useful during e2e testing!
- Katacoda - online Docker and Kubernetes training in live containers.
- Don’t forget to set your audio input setting in Hangouts on Air… :(
- "Idealized Commit Logs: Code Simplification via Program Slicing" by Alan Shreve
- split-guide - A tool to help generate code for workshop repositories
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
"Tie your hands to free your mind" is a mantra you hear that applies really well to the constraints that you put on yourself by embracing statically typed languages and functional programming. We're going to hear from various people about their respective visions of typed FP in JS.
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
- Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
- React.js Program - Master the React.js Ecosystem
- Sentry - Cross-platform crash-reporting
- Don’t wait for a rewrite! Introduce a new language incrementally. Build a small thing that works. Get that small thing in production. Then expand.
- Vim-mode-plus: Atom plugin recreating Vim’s editing paradigm
- Real World OCaml: Great technical book, free online version
- Fable
- F# for fun and profit - Learning F# and FP
- Ionide - F# plugin for Atom and Visual Studio Code
- React30 episode 006 - Origins of React with Jordan Walke
- Midwest JS next week - tickets are still available!
- My frontend masters workshops are next week! Webpack Deep Dive and Writing an Open Source JavaScript Library - tickets are still available for in person and online.
- Ragtime the musical
- Use an ide or vim setup
- Learn to reason about type signatures alone
- Constraints are great, but start simple and dial them up later
- Write simple code w/o abstractions until you feel the pain - then learn abstractions to solve that
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
Wednesday Sep 07, 2016
A huge part of open source is the community that is formed around it. This is one of the best parts of open source. It is also a challenge to manage, especially with big projects like Node.js. We'll be chatting with some community builders and code contributors to learn how Node.js fosters and grows its community.
- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
- Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
- React.js Program - Master the React.js Ecosystem
- Sentry - Cross-platform crash-reporting
- Take Vacation! Put the Laptop Down! Go outside!
- Be Patient!
- We have Node.js developers in Fresno! Fresnode.js Meetup, 2nd monday of every month. We’re looking for speakers!
- If you make a mistake genuinely apologize and move on. Stop engaging / don’t double down
- Show empathy for those you make stuff for, make stuff with, and for yourself
- When you feel something that you’re emotionally invested in, write a draft and take a second before you send it.
- Surround yourself with people that are good to you. Especially if you work remotely
- Invest into mentoring (JavaScript Air Episode)
- New Podcast from The Changelog by Nadia Eghbal and Mikeal Rodgers: Request for Commits
- Offline Camp: Nov 4-7 in Santa Margarita, California
- If you feel like you know something really well, don’t be afraid to admit that you might be wrong or there may be something else better